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粘贴的英文翻译 粘贴英文怎幺说 粘贴的英文例句



[zhān tiē]

    to stick
    to affix
    to adhere

stick [stik]

    n.棍,棒,手杖 v.粘住,粘贴 vt.刺,戳

affix [ә'fiks]

    vt.使附于,粘贴 n.[语]词缀


如果已粘贴teflon带:If there is teflon tape affixed:我对採取粘贴将票增厚的诡计感到遗憾。I feel sick about the trick of thickening the tickets by sticking.我需要一卷新的粘贴用橡皮膏。I need a new roll of sticking plaster.我有些可粘贴鞋底,但它们老是掉下来。I got some stick-on soles for my shoes but they keep coming off.在相关位置粘贴标籤。Affix sticker at relevant position.粘贴操作过程中出错:%s1Error during pasting operation:% s1粘贴行李厢保护罩。Affix the luggage compartment protective cover.粘贴后用拇指按压表面以保证与封皮粘贴牢固。Use thumb over end sheets to press permanent super-sticking glue into cover.粘贴式平衡重必须与整个表面均匀接触。The balance stick-on weight must be in uniform contact over the entire surface.正在将%s1粘贴到%s2…Pasting% s1to% s2...


粘贴 glue process; tip in

粘贴丝式应变计 bonded wire gage

粘贴式应变计 bonded strain gage

粘贴箔式应变计 bonded foile gage

自粘贴塑胶薄膜带 self-adhesive plastic film tape

自粘贴纸 self-adhesive paper

自粘贴纸带 self-adhesive paper tape

