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舱内的英文翻译 舱内英文怎幺说 舱内的英文例句



[cāng nèi]



下层炮眼已浸到水里,海水涌入舱内给瓦萨号带来难以逃脱沉没的厄运。The lower gun-ports were now below water and the inrush sealed the ship's fate.处在船只或者飞机的舱内或者最靠近中线的地方。Located within the hull or nearest the midline of a vessel or aircraft.飞机舱内的压力降低了,每个人都不得不使用氧气面罩。The plane lost cabin pressure and everyone had to use oxygen masks.四、保持乘座舱内清洁,请勿乱丢果皮、纸屑、随意涂写。Keep the cabin not litter or scribble.油舱内禁止吸烟。Smoking in tanks is prohibited.这可以通过驾驶舱内的转速表来查看。This can be seen from the rev counter in the cockpit.


下舱内去 go below; gone below; went below

把...从甲板上送到舱内去 send below

舱内不规则装货 broken stowage

舱内供氧系统 oxygen system

舱内内龙骨 n. hold keelson

舱内副梁承材 hold-beam clamp

舱内吨位 underdeck tonnage

舱内容积 hold capacity

舱内手灯 n. hold lantern

舱内梁 n. hold beam

舱内灌满水的 water-logged

舱内纵梁 n. hold stringer

舱内肋骨 n. hold frame

舱内装卸工人 hatch man; hold man

舱内装货 underdeck shipment

舱内设备 below deck equipment, BDE

舱内设施 n. accommodation deck

舱内货物 hold cargo; underdeck cargo

舱内载货 carriage under deck

舱内铺板 hold ceiling

船舱内货物 inboard cargo

装于舱内 keep in hold

装载在船舱内 shipped in the hold

货舱内免除护条 no sparrings in cargo holds

