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粘连的英文翻译 粘连英文怎幺说 粘连的英文例句



[zhān lián]

    to adhere
    to stick together

adhere [әd'hiә(r)]

    vi.粘附,胶着,坚持 v.坚持

stick [stik]

    n.棍,棒,手杖 v.粘住,粘贴 vt.刺,戳

together [tә'geðә(r)]



结论常通口服液能够预防术后肠粘连形成。Conclusion: ctol could prevent postoperative intestinal adhesion formation.剖宫产术后子宫腹壁粘连的超声分析Ultrasonography of uterine adhesion with abdominal wall after caesarian section.术后主要併发症是前葡萄膜炎和虹膜后粘连。The main postoperative complications were anterior uveitis and posterior synechia of the iris.


会阴粘连 perineal adhesion

免疫粘连 immune adherence

免疫粘连血凝测定 immune adherence hemagglutination assay, IAHA

免疫细胞粘连 immunocytoadherence

前房角粘连 goniosynechia

子宫腔粘连综合征 Asherman syndrome又称"阿谢曼综合征",简称"阿氏征"。

小阴唇粘连 adhesion of labia minora

层粘连蛋白 laminin, LN

心包粘连术 pericardiosymphysis

气泡-颗粒粘连 bubble-particle attachment

睑球粘连 symblepharon

睑缘粘连 ankyloblepharon

等高线粘连 closenessof contours

粘连性中耳炎 adhesive otitis media

粘连性心包炎 adhesive pericarditis

粘连性腹膜炎 adhesive peritonitis

粘连性角膜白斑 adherent leukoma of cornea

纤维性粘连 fibrous adhesion

肌腱粘连 adhesion of tendon

胎盘粘连 placental adherence

胸膜粘连 pleural adhesions

腹膜粘连 peritoneal adhesion

舌唇粘连术 tongue-to-lip adhesion operation

虹膜全粘连 total synechia

虹膜前粘连 anterior synechia

虹膜前粘连分离术 sphincterolysis

虹膜后粘连 posterior synechia

虹膜周边粘连 peripheral synechia

虹膜粘连分离术 synechiolysis

调理性粘连 opsonic adherence

