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辖区的英文翻译 辖区英文怎幺说 辖区的英文例句




    administrative region

administrative [æd'ministrәtiv]

    court//n.行政法庭 law//n.行政法

region [ri:dʒәn]



伊斯兰教教主辖区下的地区。The territorial jurisdiction of a caliph.代理执政者辖区下的地区A district under a vicegerent's jurisdiction.行政区或管辖区党的领导者A man who is a party leader of a ward or precinct.见鬼的釜山市海鸥村管辖区2号,知道了?Second in command for the notorious pusan seagulls.get it?我在他们的管辖区和苏族人做交易I trade with the sioux at the agency.这是这个城市最繁忙的管辖区。This is the busiest precinct in the city.族长或教长的辖区、统治或职位The territory rule or rank of a patriarch.


专属捕鱼管辖区 zone of exclusive fishing jurisdiction

专属渔业管辖区 exclusive fishery jurisdiction

保护管辖区 zone of protective jurisdiction

可选择管辖区的诉讼 transitory; transitory action

大主教辖区 province

大主教辖区法庭 provincial courts

市辖区 municipal district; municipality district

户口管辖区 household registry jurisdictional area

本管辖区域 this region of jurisdiction

检查员的管辖区域 inspectorate

法官管辖区域 territory of a judge

海上军事管辖区 offshore military jurisdictional areas

海关辖区 customs territory

管辖区 administering country

经济司法管辖区 economic jurisdiction area

员警管辖区 constable wick

辖区 area under one''s jurisdiction

领事辖区 consular district

领馆辖区 consular district

