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    a small cup
    classifier for lamps

small [smɔ:l]


cup [kʌp]

    n.杯子,酒杯,奖盃 vt.使成杯状,为...拔火罐

classifier ['klæsifaiə(r)]



天花板上吊着一盏灯。A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.一盏牛油灯烛镇着它的一端,另一端则被一只钢手套压着。A tallow candle weighed down one end of it a steel gauntlet the other.一盏使烤麵包保持不冷的酒精灯。A methylated spirit lamp for keeping toast hot.一盏油灯点在灶前,萤火那幺的光亮。In front of the stove stood an oil lamp it slight flickering like that of a fire-fly.用料:燕窝一至二盏,鲜椰浆、鲜奶或淡奶各三汤匙,冰糖少许。Ingredient: one or two bird's nests about3spoons amount of coconut milk or milk a few of rock candy.这盏灯又在冒烟,找佣人来修The lamp is smoking again.the servant should fix it.紫外线辐射;一盏紫外光灯。Ultraviolet radiation; an ultraviolet lamp.


先天性巨肾盏 congenital megacalycosis

向天盏 India skullcap

巨肾盏 megacalyx, megacalycosis

星盏釉 star flashing glaze

肾大盏 major renal calices

肾小盏 minor renal calices

肾盂肾盏扩张 pyelocaliectasis

肾盏 renal calices

肾盏憩室 calyceal diverticulum

肾盏成形术 calicoplasty

肾盏扩张 caliectasis

肾盏结核 tuberculosis of calyx

肾盏静脉瘘 calyceal-venous fistula

金盏花 potmarigold calendula

金盏菊 pot marigold, Calendula officinalis L.

