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销声匿迹的英文翻译 销声匿迹英文怎幺说 销声匿迹的英文例句




    to vanish without trace (idiom)
    to lie low

vanish [væniʃ]

    vi.消失,突然不见,[数]成为零 n.[语]弱化音

without [wi'ðaut]

    prep.没有,不,(表条件)如果没有,要没有 adv.在外,在屋外

trace [treis]

    n.痕迹,蹤迹,微量,迹线,缰绳 vt.描绘,映描,画轮廓,追蹤,回溯,探索 vi.上溯,沿路走

idiom [idiәm]


lie [li:]

    vi.躺,平放,展现,展开,位于 v.说谎,躺 n.谎话,谎言

low [lәu]

    n.低,低价,牛叫声 adj.低的,浅的,消沉的,微弱的,粗俗的,卑贱的,体质弱的 adv.低下地,谦卑地,低声地,低价地 vi.牛叫


官衔被撸得精光以后,这位政客便从公众场合中销声匿迹了。Having been stripped of all his titles, the politician disappeared from public life.他销声匿迹到现在已有三年了,我一直没听到关于他的任何消息。He's disappeared these last three years now. I've heard neither hide not hair of him.消费者意识到其中一定有问题,于是奇马龙就在市场上销声匿迹了。The consumers sensed that something was wrong and the cimarron bombed in the market place.在复活节星期日,玛德琳突然销声匿迹,无影无蹤。On easter sunday madeleine vanished without trace.奥斯曼帝国虽已被土耳其共和国取代逾80年之久,但它永远都不会销声匿迹。More than80years after being supplanted by the turkish republic the ottoman empire will not die.关于这个地方有种种富于传奇色彩的描述,如今这个发现使最后残存的传说之一终于销声匿迹。This discovery killed off one of the last surviving romances about the place.随着基督教在欧洲的兴起,腹语术曾一度销声匿迹,The art of ventriloquism fell out of practice with the rise of christianity in europe

