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瞻的英文翻译 瞻英文怎幺说 瞻的英文例句



    to gaze
    to view

gaze [geiz]

    v.盯,凝视 n.凝视

view [vju:]

    n.景色,风景,观点,见解,观察,观看,意见,认为 vt.观察,观看


最伟大的圣灵,感谢您用您的高瞻远虑和甜蜜的歌唱来使我振奋Greatest comforter thank you for cheering me with your deep thought and sweet singing最伟大的圣灵,感谢您用您的高瞻远虑和甜蜜的歌唱来使我振奋。Greatest comforter thank you for cheer me with your deep thought and sweet singing.人行道上的狗屎不仅有碍观瞻,而且有碍卫生。Dog muck on the pavements is not only unsightly it's also a health hazard.有的时候,她视察事物,仿佛带着别人所没有的一种从尼泊山上高瞻远瞩的神情。At moments she seemed to be regarding issues from a nebo denied to others around.中国宗教的百年回顾与前瞻China's religions: retrospect and prospect


具有...的高瞻远瞩 have the wide vision of

前瞻性 forward looking

收入瞻养费 income maintenance

瞻前顾后 trodden as upon eggs

葬前供公众瞻仰 lain in state; lay in state; lie in state

