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    to burst open
    to split at the seam

burst [bә:st]

    v.爆裂,炸破,急于,爆发 n.突然破裂,爆发,脉冲

open [әupәn]

    n.公开,户外,空旷 adj.开着的,敞开的,(车等)无篷的,开阔的,营业着的,公开的,坦率的,未决定的 vt.打开,公开,开放 vi.展开,开始,展现

split [spli:t]

    v.劈开,(使)裂开,分裂,分离 n.裂开,裂口,裂痕

seam [si:m]

    n.接缝,线缝,缝合线,衔接口,伤疤,层 vt.缝合,接合,焊合,使留下伤痕 vi.裂开,发生裂痕


“唇绽樱颗兮,榴齿含香。”Her lips are cherries and sweet the breath from her pomegranate teeth.从硬土中发芽,迅速绽放…Sprung from the hard clay quick to blossom...大地初绽的芳花是送给未来之歌的请柬。The first flower that blossomed on this earth was an invitation to the unborn song.但是嬷嬷对她并不存幻想,倒是经常警觉地观察着这种虚饰上的破绽。But mammy was under no illusions about her and was constantly alert for breaks in the veneer.花朵萌芽并绽放的过程。The process of budding and unfolding of blossoms.树枝上紫红的花蕾绽苞吐,When on the boughs the purple buds expand万象更新百花绽,姑娘围圈舞翩翩;Then blooms each thing then maids dance in a ring在被动模式下,其机体装甲和武器系统都折叠起来和主舱平行,在战斗模式下,它如同一朵知名的金属花一般绽放。In passive mode its body armor and weapons systems are folded flush to the primary hull.在花的绽放中,我们的青春在这里相遇。We meet here when unfolding ourselves.


破绽 n. flaw

立式纺绽 vertical spindle

高级棉绽纱螺旋型毛圈印花毛巾 printed towel made of high grade cotton yarns on twisted loops

