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擦亮的英文翻译 擦亮英文怎幺说 擦亮的英文例句




    to polish

polish [pәuliʃ]

    n.磨光,光泽,上光剂,优雅,精良 vt.擦亮,发亮,磨光,推敲 vi.发亮,变光滑 adj.波兰的 n.波兰人 Polish 波兰(Poland)的


他擦亮了一枚古铜币。He polished up an old copper coin.同样地,阿耳特弥斯(月神与狩猎女神)也通过把擦亮的盾牌借给他来帮助他。Artemis helped him as well by lending him her polished shield.把你的皮鞋擦亮。Give a shine to your shoes.表面无光泽的石头可用柔软、乾燥、清洁的布块擦亮。Matt stones become shiny again if polished with a soft dry and clean cloth.就好像他擦亮的一颗流星。Like a shooting star he shines.妈妈让我把家里的银器都擦亮。Mother made me scour the family silver.那张桌子需要好好抹净擦亮。That table needs a bit of spit and polish.她把银盘子擦亮了。She has rubbed up the silver plate.因炉火的光照在擦亮的铜器上而产生的反光。The gleam of polished brassware in the firelight用来打光或擦亮的製剂。A preparation used in polishing.


将...擦亮 put a shine on

擦亮 rub up; rubbed up; shine up

擦亮乳膏 polishing cream

擦亮製剂 furbishing preparation

擦亮清漆 polishing varnish

擦亮石 rotten stone

擦亮铁丹 polishing rouge

汽车擦亮去污剂 automobile polisher and cleaner

银擦亮剂 silver polish

