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eat [i:t]


meal [mi:l]

    n.一餐,一顿饭,膳食,(穀类的)粗粉 vi.进餐


一切都是从那个早餐託盘开始的,我妈把它作为结婚礼物送给我们。It all started with the breakfast tray my mother gave us as a wedding gift.一种专门製作和出售油炸食品的小餐馆。A small restaurant specializing in short-order fried foods.主持或分发,如圣餐To administer or dispense as a sacrament.


三聚氰胺餐具 melamine tableware

不锈钢餐具 stainless steel tableware

与...一同进餐 sup with

与...一起用午餐 lunch with

与...共餐 break bread with; broke bread with; broken bread with; foul a plate with

中餐具 Chinese dinner set

中餐厅 Chinese restaurant

云腿午餐肉 luncheon meat with Yunnan ham

亚麻布餐巾 linen napkin

以...为晚餐 sup off; sup on

伺候进餐 wait at table; wait at tables; wait on table; wait on tables

佐餐酱油 table soy sauce

供应早餐的旅馆 bed and breakfast

免费餐 courtesy meal

全白搪瓷手推餐车 all-white enamel-finished cart

冷冻餐食 frozen dinner

刀叉匙等餐具 cutlery

午餐 lunch

午餐会 luncheon

午餐套 luncheon set

午餐津贴 luncheon allowance

午餐羊肉 mutton luncheon meat

午餐肉 luncheon meat

午餐肉罐头 canned pork luncheon meat

午餐香肠 lunch sausage

卫生餐巾 sanitary napkin

捲筒餐巾纸 rolled towels

厨房用具和餐具 kitchen and table utensils; kitchen and table implements

吃中餐 have lunch

吃早餐 have breakfast

