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摘除的英文翻译 摘除英文怎幺说 摘除的英文例句



[zhāi chú]

    to excise

excise [ik'saiz]

    n.消费税,货物税,国产税 vt.收税,切除


下颌下腺摘除术。Enucleation of the submandibular gland.一位外科医生为这男孩摘除了脑肿瘤。A surgeon removed the boy's brain tumor.摘除细胞核后的卵细胞To a mother's enucleated egg.'我必须摘除肝脏吗?'医科学生不安地问。` Do I have to remove the liver'the medical student asked queasily.‘我必须摘除肝脏吗?’医科学生不安地问。Do I have to remove the liver'the medical student asked queasily.你需要进行手术来摘除扁桃体。You need an operation to have your tonsils removed.我们要摘除一个肿瘤We have a tumour to remove.摘要目的:探讨扁桃体摘除术后射频止血方法的有效性。To explore the role of radioheating hemostasia after tonsil extirpate.


二氧化碳致冷白内障摘除器 carbon dioxide refrigerating cataract extractor

垂体摘除术 hypophysectomy

息肉手法摘除术 digital polypectomy

摘除 removal, extirpation

泪囊摘除术 dacryocystectomy

涎石摘除术 sialolithotomy

温差电致冷白内障摘除器 thermoelectric cooling cataract extractor

牙髓摘除术 pulp extirpation, pulpectomy

眶内容摘除术 evisceration of orbit, exenteration of orbit曾用名"眶内容剜出术"。

眼内容摘除术 evisceration of eyeball, exenteration of eyeball曾用名"眼内容剜出术"。

眼球摘除剪 enucleation scissors

眼球摘除匙 enucleation spoon

眼球摘除术 enucleation of eyeball曾用名"眼球摘出术"。

脑内异物摘除术 removal of foreign body in brain

颅骨死骨摘除术 cranial sequestrectomy

