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扎营的英文翻译 扎营英文怎幺说 扎营的英文例句



[zhā yíng]

    to camp
    to pitch camp

camp [kæmp]

    n.露营地,阵营 vi.露营,扎营

pitch [pitʃ]

    n.程度,斜度,树脂,投掷,定调,(船只)前后颠簸,倾斜,沥青 vt.投,掷,向前倾跌,定位于,用沥青涂,扎营 vi.搭帐篷,投掷,坠落,倾斜


我们在湖边扎营(支起帐篷)。We pitched (our) camp (ie put up our tents) by a lake.登山队员在半山腰扎营。The climbers made camp half-way up the peak.我们计画在山里扎营。We planned to pitch our camps in the mountains.给登山者用的扎营基地A base camp for the mountain climbers.士兵们在森林边扎营。The soldier is encamp on the edge of the forest.行进中的军队通常每夜都要扎营。A marching army usually makes camp every night.他们正在卢卡尼尔湖旁扎营They're making camp by lake lucania.营地用来扎营或举行营地会议的地方An area used for setting up a camp or holding a camp meeting.这次还载了些柴薪準备在晚上扎营。我们往小岛前进。And this time loaded with firewood for the evening camp we headed for the islet.今晚得回去在捕鲸站扎营,明天一早再来We'll set up base camp at the whaling station and get back at it tomorrow morning.他让士兵在山顶扎营。He tented his men on top of the hill.他使他的部下扎营于山顶。He tented his men on the top of the hill.


扎营 camp out; pitch camp; sat down

