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眨眼的英文翻译 眨眼英文怎幺说 眨眼的英文例句



[zhǎ yǎn]

    to blink
    to wink
    in the twinkling of an eye

blink [bliŋk]


wink [wiŋk]

    n.眨眼,使眼色,瞬间,(星光等的)闪烁 vi.眨眼,使眼色,闪烁,打信号,假装不见,终止,熄灭 vt.眨(眼)

twinkling [twiŋk(ә)liŋ]

    adj.闪烁的,闪亮的,荧荧的 n.闪烁,闪动,转瞬


你撒谎的时候会眨眼You blink when you bluff.你只要眨眨眼,我就马上变成一个富裕的庄稼人!I'll be a big farmer before you can bat an eye!他是个杀人不眨眼的歹徒。He was a murderous gangster.另一方面,回报以微笑、眨眼,则可能换来约会。Smiling and winking on the other hand might get you a date.母亲向罗拉眨眼示意,叫她不要作声。Mother wink at laura as a sign for her to keep silent.你为什幺老是对我眨眼?What do you keep winking at me for?他对我眨眼好象什幺都知道。He gave me a knowing wink.他用微笑和眨眼来表示默许。He indicated tacit approval by smiling and winking.她患有一种神经性痉挛,使她频频眨眼。She has a nervous twitch which makes her blink a lot.她看到我沖她眨眼,就挑逗般的望着我She received me sweetly winking eyeing me flirtatiously.眨眼间的三年。A twinkle for three years.


一眨眼 in two twos

一眨眼功夫 in a twinkle; in the twinkle of an eye; quick as thought

一眨眼工夫 as quick as lightning; as quick as though

一眨眼的工夫 in the twinkling of a bedpost

因...而眨眼 blink at

眨眼反射 eye blink response

