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炸薯条的英文翻译 炸薯条英文怎幺说 炸薯条的英文例句



[zhà shǔ tiáo]

    french fries

french [frentʃ]

    n.法国人,法语 adj.法国的,法国人的,法语的

Fries [fri:s]

    ,Elias Magnus 傅利斯 (1794-1878,瑞典植物学家,曾研究隐花植物)


青豌豆,胡萝蔔和炸薯条。Peas carrots and french fried potatoes.如果你们有的话,我想要一些炸薯条和胡萝蔔。I'll have some french fried potatoes and carrots if you have them.如果有的话,我想要一些炸薯条和胡萝蔔。I'd like some french fried potatoes and carrots if you have any.她吃了炸薯条和霜淇淋。She ate french fries and ice cream.我第一次吃法国炸薯条是在八岁的时候My first french fry in eight years.我要烤肉。最好是半熟的,还有法式炸薯条,好吗?A steak.rare would be nice.and french fries please?一份法国炸薯条。An order of french fries.有炸薯条、胡萝蔔以及青豌豆。French fried potatoes carrots and peas.炸薯条不要拿来当早餐French fries are not a breakfast food.另点了一个炸薯条。A side order of french fries这个汉堡包巨人最近决定了停止製造其标誌性食品巨无霸炸薯条和饮料。The hamburger giant has decided to stop making its trademark supersize fries and drinks recently.

