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裁减的英文翻译 裁减英文怎幺说 裁减的英文例句




    to reduce
    to lessen
    to cut down

reduce [ri'dju:s; (-) -'du:s]


lessen [les(ә)n]



拥护裁减核军备的人很多。There is a large body of support for nuclear disarmament.裁减冗官是政府今年的工作重点之一。To reduce unnecessary officials is a focal point of government work this year.裁减人员一定会加剧医院里的不安情绪。R educing the number of staff is certain to inflame the uneasy mood in the hospitals.裁减政府部门中的冗员。Comb out a government department.大卫提出论点,支持裁减军备。David argued in favor of disarmament.考虑到选举的临近,政府就大幅裁减了公司的投资预算。With an election looming the government slashed the company's investment budget instead.哪一国将先裁减军备?Which country will be the first to disarm?限制和裁减海军军备条约;Treaty for the limitation and reduction of naval armament;分阶段进行的控制和裁减军备的进程;Phased process of arms control and reduction;服务业创造的就业机会抵不上製造业裁减的工作岗位。Job creation in the service sector.


反对裁减劳动力的斗争方法 restrictive labor practices

定议的裁减 agreed reduction

裁减人员 cut down the number of persons employed; staff cuts; reduce staff; reduce personnel

裁减军事预算 reduction of military budget

裁减军备 arms reduction; reduction of armament

裁减军备费用支出 curtailment of expenditures on arma ments

裁减军队 cutting down the armed forces

裁减掉 trim away; trim off

裁减核武器 reduction of nuclear weapons

