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    write down

write [rait]

    vt.书写,着述,写,写满,写信给 vi.写,写字,写信,写作,作曲

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地


如果我们坐这架飞机,什幺时候会到达札幌。What time shall we arrive at sapporo if we take this plane.塞尔维亚人党:劄格拉布;1993年成立;领导人-米洛拉德•普波瓦茨。Party of serbs: zagreb; f.1993; leader milorad pupovac.沙劄姆的资料库目前有170万首具有这类精减数位特徵的歌曲。Shazam's database currently contains the stripped-down digital signatures of1.7million songs.斯蒂芬斯毫不在乎自己对人是否粗暴无劄。Stephens didn't care whether he stepped on anyone or not.他说服了邻居桑丘•潘劄…He persuades his sancho panza...有一天,在札幌,那是我出生的地方One day in sapporo where I was born...札幌市内观光,可以乘坐地铁,非常方便。The subway is a convenient way to travel when sightseeing in sapporo.札幌王子饭店及员工宿舍?Prince hotel and employees's dormitory sapporo.札幌已发展成为一个繁荣的通讯中心。Sapporo has grown into a thriving communications centre.自去年8月推出以来,在英国已有大约30万人试过沙劄姆的服务。About3 00000 people in britain have tried shazam's service since it was introduced last august.


反劄依采夫定向 anti-Zaitsev orientation

大劄绞棉纱 cotton yarn in skein

御劄 imperial edict

劄依采夫规则 Zaitsev rule

札幌 sapporo

果劄棉 Goza cotton

果劄棉 Goza cotton

法劄溴铵 fazadinium

默劄珀地毯 mirzapur

默劄珀地毯 mirzapur

