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逍遥的英文翻译 逍遥英文怎幺说 逍遥的英文例句



[xiāo yáo]

    free and unfettered

free [fri:]

    adj.自由的,大方的,免费的,免税的,丰富的,空闲的 vt.释放,使自由 adv.自由地,免费

unfettered [ʌn'fetәd]



87无物可失的人最逍遥。87merry Is he that hath nought to lose.定庄子哲学的主旨为精神自由,首先必须界定逍遥游为自由。If we consider the major idea of zhuang zi philosophy we must define peripateticism as liberty.决不能让这些盗贼逍遥法外。The thieves must not go unpunished.其中,齐物论和逍遥游的关係是考察的重点。The emphasis is the relation between the equality of things and peripateticism.社会契约的有关方面似乎逍遥法外。Those who are parties to the social contract seem to suffer no penalties at all.他们不会让他逍遥法外的。They will not let him go scot-free.他那边缘下垂的大帽子逍遥地歪戴在床柱子上。His big slouch hat even was cocked jauntily over the bed-post.我不会让你逍遥法外的。I'm not letting you off scot-free.无物可失的人最逍遥自在。Merry is he that hath nought to lose.现在有个暴力强姦犯逍遥法外There's a violent rapist out there.在此基础上,还必须将逍遥游归结为精神自由。Further more we must define peripateticism as mental freedom.自由是西方政治和哲学的範畴,庄子讲的是逍遥游。Liberty is a category of western philosophy and politics but what zhuang zi said was peripateticism.


谋杀而逍遥法外 get away with murder

过得逍遥自在 live in ease

逍遥丸 ease pill

逍遥型 ambulatory type

逍遥椅 leisure chair

逍遥法外 go scot-free; outlawry; scot-free

