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增产的英文翻译 增产英文怎幺说 增产的英文例句




    increase production

increase [in'kri:s]

    n.增加,增大,增长 vt.增加,加大 vi.增加,繁殖

production [prә'dʌkʃ(ә)n]




农业增产不增税的政策 keep the agricultural tax unaltered even when outputincreases

农业增产措施 measures for increasing agricultural output

分层增产作业 separated-layer stimulation又称"分层改造"。

增产不增人 increase production without increasing the work force

增产不增收 reduce income despite rising output; higher output is not accompanied by higher income; bigger output doesn''t bring a bigger income; increasing their output does not bring the peasants any increase in income

增产倍数 stimulation ratio又称"增产比"。

增产增收 increasing both production and income

增产奖励工资 incentive wage

增产措施 well stimulation

增产节约 increase production and practise economy; increasing production and saving

增产节约计画 plan for increasing production and practising economy

增产节约运动 drive to increase production and practise economy

增产菌 yield increasing fungus

增产量 increased units; units increased in production

按约当产量计算的增产量 increased units equivalent production computations

核爆炸增产措施 nuclear stimulation

热力增产措施 thermal stimulation

稳定负担、增产不增税 imposing a stable amount of agricultural tax and charging no extra tax on increase of output

