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增补的英文翻译 增补英文怎幺说 增补的英文例句




    to augment
    to supplement
    to add

augment [ɔ:g'ment]

    v.增加,增大 n.增加

supplement [sʌplimәnt]

    n.补遗,补充,附录,增刊 v.补充


本条例的条文增补而非减损以下条例的条文-The provisions of this ordinance are in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of-增补一名新委员。Co-opt a new member onto the committee这增补的一页必须插到文章中适当的地方。This additional page must be set in at the correct point in the article.公司给他增补了退休金。The company gave him a supplement to pension.如买方要求,卖方应以原合同价格按原样向买方增补。Upon the buyer's request supplementary supply of the same at the original contract price.


为...增补职员 staff up

作为额外增补 for good measure

增补 augment; supplement

增补专利 additional patent

增补专利证书 patent of addition

增补供水 supplemental supply

增补分配率 supplementary rate

增补发明人证书 inventors'' certificate of addition

增补实用证书 utility certificate of addition

增补条约 supplementary treaty

增补申请 additional application

增补的抚恤金 supplementary pension

增补证书 certificate of addition

