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怎能的英文翻译 怎能英文怎幺说 怎能的英文例句



[zěn néng]

    how can?


与这样快活的伴侣为伍,诗人怎能不满心欢乐!A poet could not but be gay in such a jocund company!怎能忘记旧日的朋友?Should auld acquaintance be forgot?但你怎能卖得好,销售价格及销售做出快速的时间?But how can you get a good sale price and make that sale in quick time?当我们分手时我怎能忍住泪呢?How shall I refrain from tears when we part?对,他怎能成为突击队员的?Yeah how did he get to be a ranger?.你怎能在学期中就走人呢How can you go in the middle of the term?她两眼含泪,问他怎能指望她在这样的情形下继续留在桑菲尔德。She asks him tearfully how he can expect her to remain on at thornfield under the circumstances.我们怎能让它溜走。How could we let it slip away.我怎能否认监督说的话呢?And who am I to deny the word of the master builder?我怎能赦免你呢?Why should I pardon you?怎能买起商品房,No way to buy the wareroom怎能挖得了一个大洞啊?How can we punch a big hole?

