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交税的英文翻译 交税英文怎幺说 交税的英文例句




    payment of duty;pay taxes

payment [peimәnt]


duty [dju:ti; (-) 'du:ti]


pay [pei]

    n.薪水,工资 v.支付,交纳,给予,有利,值得,合算

taxes ['tæksiz]



你不必为你的个人物品交税。You don't have to pay duties for your personal effects.老实交税,不然的话,就有可能被关进监牢。Pay your tax honestly or you may be thrown into the cooler.您有要交税的物品吗?Do you have anything dutiable?一个四处徘徊的贪婪的离婚者;贪婪的债主;交税给贪婪的政府。A rapacious divorcee on the prowl; ravening creditors; paying taxes to voracious governments.在税单上列明的缴税日期前缴交税款。Paying tax due on or before the due date on the demand note.避税乐园指个人及业务无需交税或税率很低的国家。Tax haven a country that offers individuals and businesses little or no tax liability.但是“xo”酒要交税。But the" xo" should be taxed.当然,她必须付一些附加费来向税务部门交税。Of course she must pay some additional charges as taxes to the tax administration.你若不交税将受严厉的制裁和处罚。There are swingeing sanctions and penalties for failing to pay your taxes.您所在的办事处交税吗?Does your office pay tax in china?她偶然说出她还没交税呢。She let slip that she have not pay her tax.文厚:城市居民交税吗?Wilhelm: do residents in cities have to pay taxes?


上交税利 taxes or profits to be delivered to the state

上交税费 turn over taxes to the state

交税 pay tax; make payment of tax; pay duties; payment of duties

交税要求 requirement for tax

先期交税债券 tax anticipation bill

先期交税债券 tax anticipation bills TABs)

补交税款 pay taxes in arrears; pay the taxes they have evaded; pay an overdue tax

逃避交税 dodge taxes; evade taxes

