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遭遇的英文翻译 遭遇英文怎幺说 遭遇的英文例句




    to meet with
    to encounter
    (bitter) experience

meet [mi:t]

    n.会,集会 adj.适宜的,合适的 vt.遇见,(迎)接,与(某人目光)相遇,(赴约)和...会面,(经介绍)与...相识,对付 vi.相遇,接触

encounter [in'kauntә(r)]

    v.遭遇,遇到,相遇 n.遭遇,遭遇战

bitter [bitә(r)]



我们不可避免要遭遇雨季。We are in for a rainy season.吸虫在发育的每一个阶段,都可能遭遇到极大的风险。At each stage of development the trematode encounters formidable hazards.小冲突敌对力量间的遭遇;战斗或零星冲突An encounter between hostile forces; a battle or skirmish.也许你父亲正遭遇着某种中年危机。Perhaps your father is having some sort of mid-life crisis.一个人问他们他的悲伤遭遇,他在孤儿院中度过了他贫困的童年。They heard sob-stuff from one man about his deprived childhood in an institution.越南正在遭遇食品短缺。Vietnam is suffering from food shortage.这就是说,你可能会遭遇一支混编非常好火力非常平衡的敌人。That said you will likely be met with a well mixed enemy barrage poised and ready to strike.


与...遭遇 encouner with

有过不愉快的遭遇 had a time of it; have a time of it; have a way with

洪水遭遇 meeting together of flood干支流洪水特别是洪峰相近的时段内,汇流到某一河段而形成该河段较大洪水的现象。

遭遇 encounter

遭遇不幸 fall on evil days; fall on hard times; fall upon evil days; fallen on evil days; fallen on hard times; fallen upon evil days; fell on evil days; fell on hard times; fell upon evil days

遭遇週期 period of encounter

遭遇式浪高探头 encounter wave height probe

遭遇意外的灾难 split on a rock; split upon a rock

遭遇次数 number of encounter

遭遇着 see the time when

遭遇络合物 encounter complex

遭遇角 wave encounter angle

