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消去的英文翻译 消去英文怎幺说 消去的英文例句



[xiāo qù]


eliminate [i'limineit]

    vt.排除,消除 v.除去


繁重的工作量迫使我取消去露营。The heavy workload forced me to cancel the camping trip.因为她病了,我们只好取消去西湖的旅游。As she is ill, we have to cancel our trip to west lake.尘封之爱难以忘记,陈旧的谎言更难消去。Old loves they die hard old lies they die harder.当我擦拭时消去我的缺陷,Erase imperfection as I rub可以消去地球椭率的影响。It may eliminate the influence of the earth's ellipticity.滑鼠操作,寻找两个相同的图示相连即可消去。Mouse operation to find two identical icons can be linked to elimination.他用二项式定理展开右边,消去y=?0。He expands the right side by using the binomial theorem subtracts y=? 0.nostrip可用于取消去除尾随空白。Nostrip can be used to suppress trailing blank stripping.你必须消去一个未知数。You must eliminate an unknown quantity.


乘法消去律 cancellation law for multiplication

代入消去法 elimination by substitution

光消去反应 photoelimination

加减消去法 elimination by addition and subtraction

加法消去律 cancellation law for addition

后向消去法 backward elimination procedure

无关因素消去法 elimination of irrelevant factor

未知数消去法 elimination of the unknown

比较消去法 elimination by comparison

浸渐消去法 adiabatic elimination

消去 elimination of

消去律 cancellation law

消去法 method of elimination

消去语句 suppress statement

连续消去法 successive elimination method

部分消去法 partial elimination of

量词消去 elimination of quantifier

间接消去法 method of indirect elimination

高斯-若尔当消去法 Gauss-Jordan elimination method

高斯佐登消去法 gauss jordan elimination

