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睬的英文翻译 睬英文怎幺说 睬的英文例句



    pay attention
    take notice of
    to care for

pay [pei]

    n.薪水,工资 v.支付,交纳,给予,有利,值得,合算

attention [ә'tenʃ(ә)n]


take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

notice [nәutis]

    n.通知,布告,注意 v.注意到

care [keә(r)]

    n.注意,照料,烦恼,忧虑,由...转交 vi.关心,顾虑,照顾,喜爱 vt.在意


“听着,伙计,“这位领头的人不理睬员警,对赫斯渥说。"Listen pardner" said the leader ignoring the policeman and addressing hurstwood.班里的其它人都不理睬那个告密者The rest of the class gave the tattletale the silent treatment.不去理睬那只蒸汽轮船,Paid no attention to the steamboat.法国对于其他国家对其邀请辛巴威总统罗伯特?穆加贝的批评不予理睬。France dismissed criticism about its decision to invite zimbabwean president robert mugabe.对于孩子们的尖叫不予理睬Tuned out the children's screaming.他近来对我们不理睬了。He has shied us lately.他没理睬那老人。He doesn't pay attention to the old man.她最近对我们不理睬。She has shied us ltely.这项请求没什幺人理睬。The appeal had gone mostly unheeded.


不予理睬 turn one''s back on

不予理睬义务 ignore one''s) obligations

不屑理睬 shrug off

不理睬 cut dead; hide one''s face from; ice out; turn a could shoulder to

对...不理睬 fob off

掉转脸去不理睬 turn her back on; turn his back on; turn my back on; turn our back on; turn their back on; turn your back on

没被理睬 fall on deaf ears; fallen on deaf ears; fell on deaf ears

轻蔑地不予理睬 ride roghshod over

