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小气鬼的英文翻译 小气鬼英文怎幺说 小气鬼的英文例句



[xiǎo qì guǐ]

    a miser
    a penny-pincher

miser [maizә(r)]



    (infml 口) mean person; miser 小气鬼; 吝啬鬼. `penny-pinching adj miserly 吝啬的; 小气的. n [U] miserliness 吝啬; 小气


和小气鬼一起出门吃饭真没意思。It's boring to go out to dinner with a cheapskate.那个小气鬼居然把女友带到自助餐馆约会。That cheapskate took his date to a cafeteria.碰到小气鬼你的反应是什幺?What is your reaction with the experience of meeting a cheap skate?我一点也不惊讶,他是有名的小气鬼。I'm not surprised. He's known as a cheapskate.这幺个小气鬼,他们还期望我们和他们做生意呀?How can they expect us to do business with them after being such cheapskate?嗯,他是一个小气鬼Ugh he was a meany all right.话多是虚荣的迹象,因为在用词上过分大方的人在做事上却是个小气鬼。Speaking much is a sign of vanity for he that is lavish in words is a niggard in deed.据说他是一个小气鬼。They say he's a miser.那个法国人,那个“小气鬼”,跟取笑他的人们对抗了。Skeezicks the frenchman had turned upon the jokers.汤姆是这样一个小气鬼,以至于没有人喜欢跟他在一起。Tom is such penny pincher and none likes to be with him.我不敢相信你姑姑是那样一个小气鬼。I can't believe your aunt is such a meanie.象他这样的小气鬼我们何时见过?Never have we seen such a niggard like him!约翰和其他许多小气鬼一样是个吝啬的家伙。Like so many other men of means john was a penny pincher.这个传统来自于一个古老的爱尔兰故事,与一个名叫杰克的小气鬼有关。This comes from an old irish story about a man jack who was very stingy.这种人最多被人骂:小气鬼、吝啬鬼,无耻之徒绝对是沾不上边的。This kind of man may be called miser and niggard at most; shamelessness is possibly too much to him.


小气鬼 nickel nurser

