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早上的英文翻译 早上英文怎幺说 早上的英文例句




    early morning

early [ә:li]

    adj.早的,早熟的,及早的,早先的,早期的 adv.早,在初期

morning [mɔ:niŋ]



我每天早上上班前都打一趟太极拳。I do one set of shadow boxing every morning before I go to work.我每晚都熬夜念书,所以隔天早上总是睡过了头。I stay up late studying every night so I always oversleep the next morning.我晚上搞你老母,早上搞你妹妹I stick provolone in my socks at night...... so they smell like your sister's crotch!我小的时候,每天早上跟着父亲去参加教堂的祷告会。I followed my father to church prayer meetings every morning when I was child.我早上喝了些豆浆。I had some soybean milk for breakfast.我早上在甲板上遇到过那个家伙I was on the sun deck early this morning and I ran into this guy.我早上在遮阳甲板那边I was on the sun deck early this morning想像一下明天早上醒来…Imagine we wake up tomorrow...巡逻车在早上4点左右发现了尸体The patrol car found him about4:00a. M.应该没有吧,今天早上我听见他做俯卧撑,后来还跟他的三头肌说话。Chandler: he could be alone.this morning I heard him do push-ups and then talk to his triceps.在他14岁生日的那天早上Oo un the mmooruniung oof his12th birthday在早上5点钟的电视里... This morning at5a.m.on your television set.在早上十点的短暂反弹之后,股市再度开始拉回整理。After the short rebound in10a.m.the market starts to pull back again.只是这次再出现时却已是隔天早上,只剩下尸块散落在岸边。This time only to reappear the next morning in pieces on the shore.


在早上 in the morning

往往在早上 of a morning

早上好 good morning

