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早点的英文翻译 早点英文怎幺说 早点的英文例句



[zǎo diǎn]

    light breakfast

light [lait]

    n.光,日光,发光体,灯 adj.轻的,发光的,明亮的,浅的vt.点燃,照亮 adv.轻地 vi.点着,变亮

breakfast [brekfәst]

    n.早餐 vi.进早餐


早点供应麵包和黄油。Bread and butter is served for breakfast.这样我也可以早点死心So that l can give up early.伯恩:我希望早点订货,但人们对服装的喜好变化太快。I whish I could but the people's tastes for garments change so fast.理疗师很努力地儘量让我早点恢复,重新又能行走。My physiotherapist is working really hard with me to get me back up and walking again!你应该早点叫我的You should have woken me up.请提醒他早点动身。Please remind him to start earlier.然后我向师父请求让我早点离开尘世,因为实在太痛苦了。Then I begged her to let me leave this world sooner because I was in too much pain.让打字员在茶点时回家,清洗她早点的用具,The typist home at teatime clears her breakfast lights她宁愿早点离去,而不愿当壁花。She'd rather leave early than be a wallflower.晚上早点来,最晚在吃过茶点之后。Come early evening.after tea-time at any rate.我必须养成每天早晨早点起床的习惯。I need to get into the habit of getting up earlier in the mornings.我们早点吃麦片和麵包片。We have oatmeal and toast for breakfast.我真希望能早点找到我的白马王子。I really hope to find my prince charming soon.夏洛克没有早点拿走钱。Shylock would not take the money earlier.早点睡,不要通宵熬夜。Sleep earlier don't sit up over night.


过早点燃 n. back fire

