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bath [ba:θ]



我痛痛快快地洗了一次冷水澡。I gave myself a good sloosh with cold water.我要带洗澡间的。两张单人床吗?I'll take a room with bath.does it have twin beds?洗澡开始,第一排。P.a.. Shower release first tier.洗澡澡盆赛跑的全面历史能这里被看。A comprehensive history of the bath tub race can be viewed here.香水倒是好香水,不过你非得拿这玩意儿当洗澡水使吗?Nice perfume.must you marinate in it?要节约用水,儘量和女友一起洗澡。Sae water.shower with your girlfriend.一个令人陶醉的入浴经验不需去温泉美容院花大把金钱泡澡享受!The perfect bathlooking for the ultimate indulgence without a day spa price tag?一位母亲在给孩子洗澡。A woman washes her baby in chat nov.婴儿的洗澡水应该是温热的。A baby's bath water should be tepid.游完泳后,可以洗个舒服的冷水澡,让身体完全放鬆。After swimming you can take a relaxing cold bath which eases your body completely.有些人在洗澡时用浮石擦去脚上的死皮。Some people use pumice in the bath to remove dry skin from their feet.在冰冷的山间小溪胡乱洗个澡之后,我们就向一座村庄走去。Having taken a bath in the rawin a cold mountain stream we went to a village.在游泳池里游泳、浴缸里洗澡我会感染爱滋病毒。I can become infected with hiv by swimming in a pool sitting in a bath.这男孩必须扣牢这只狗帮它洗澡。The boy had to pin down the dog to wash him.


倒洗澡水时连婴儿一起泼掉 throw out the baby with the bathwater

偷窃公共洗浴场洗澡人衣服者 balnearii

在...中洗澡 bathe in

搪瓷洗澡盆 enamelled wash tub

搪瓷铸铁澡盆 enamelled cast iron bath tub

洗个澡 have a bath

洗澡 swab down

洗澡海绵 bath sponge

洗澡盆 wash tub

澡盆 tub

细澡设计 detail of design

