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校服的英文翻译 校服英文怎幺说 校服的英文例句



[xiào fú]

    school uniform

school [sku:l]

    n.学校,学院,学习,授课,求学,全体学生,学派 vt.锻炼,教育

uniform [ju:nifɔ:m]

    adj.统一的,相同的,一致的,始终如一的,均衡的 n.制服 vt.使成一样,使穿制服


学生们穿着校服。The students are wearing school uniforms.仅6个月,我女儿就长得穿不下校服了。My daughter has grown out of her school uniform in only six months.当时她看到图片上整洁而又营养充足穿蓝色校服的学童并不感到有多大安慰。The sight of sleek well-fed blue-coat boys in pictures was at that time little consolatory to her.看来和海瑟威预备校校服一样啊Looks like a match to hathaway prep.孩子们几乎一致投票反对穿校服。The children abolished school uniform by an almost unanimous vote.你想穿校服吗?Do you want school uniforms?尚伟:我校服的领带和外套。Shawn: my school tie and blazer.社会学家大卫自从1998年开始研究校服制度。Sociologist david has studied school uniform policies since1998.他的衬衫满是皱印,校服领带也扯歪了,显然是跟人打过架了。With his shirt crumpled and school tie askew it was obvious he'd been in a fight.我新的校服紧身衣的包装在垃圾箱里。The packet for my new school tights was in the rubbish bin.学生们都穿着校服。The students are in uniforms.这种校服式样上类似军装。The school uniform is quasi-military in style.


校服 school uniform

