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讚扬的英文翻译 讚扬英文怎幺说 讚扬的英文例句




    to praise
    to approve of
    to show approval

praise [preiz]

    vt.讚扬,歌颂,称讚 n.讚扬,讚美的话,讚美,荣耀,称讚

approve [ә'pru:v]

    vi.赞成,满意 vt.批准,通过 v.批准


他的无私精神值得讚扬。His selfless spirit is worth praising.他对他们大加讚扬。He heaped praise on them.他们都一致讚扬他。They are unanimous in praising him.他应该受到他们的讚扬。He merited all the praise they gave him.她高度讚扬了史密斯医生,但抱怨他过于严格。She had high praisefor dr.smith although she complained about his strictness.我像从讚扬中回转的男人般纯粹地爱你。I love thee purely as they trun from praise.在那亲切的迴响里,它们将造物主讚扬,And in their kind resound their maker's praise在讚扬“毛主义”和毛泽东方面,她是不惜笔墨的。She was not niggardly in praising "maoism" and mao.这个公司因为在财政上的精明而受人讚扬。The firm was commended for its financial prudence.


值得讚扬 to her credit; to his credit; to my credit; to our credit; to your credit

在...方面受到讚扬 commend upon

大加讚扬 rave about

热情讚扬 hail as

讚扬 made a compliment; preach up

讚扬...所做的 count something to someone''s credit

讚扬不尽 above all praise

讚扬的 praiseful

讚扬话 fair good word; fair words

