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髒东西的英文翻译 髒东西英文怎幺说 髒东西的英文例句



[zāng dōngxi]


scuzz [skʌz]

    n.邋遢的人 髒东西


看你裤子上的髒东西!Look at the filth on your trousers!管子被髒东西塞住了。The pipe was clogged with dirt.我无法把这块地毯里的髒东西弄掉,泥汙已经牢牢吃进去了。I can't get the dirt out of this carpet; it's been ground in.水管被髒东西堵住了,但水工很快就把它修好了。The drain-pipe was bunged up with dirt but the plumber fixed it in no time.水管里积了这幺多髒东西是惊人的。It was amazing how much gunge had accumulated in the pipe.他眼角里总有这令人作呕的髒东西。He's always got this revolting gunge in the corner of his eyes.除去髒东西;除去沉积或其它不需要的东西。An act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other other undesired elements.对于髒东西或污染产生病态恐惧。A morbid fear of dirt or contamination.他开始把髒东西抹掉。He begins to wipe up the mess.他犹豫不决地站了一会儿,用手杖扒拉一阵沟里的髒东西。He stood a moment irresolutely prodding the muck in the ditch.我讨厌这些髒东西!I hate these dirty things!用那块布把髒东西擦掉。Use that cloth to wipe up the mess.有双犁板的犁,设计用来把髒东西移到中央犁沟的两边。A plow with a double moldboard designed to move dirt to either side of a central furrow.

