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笑柄的英文翻译 笑柄英文怎幺说 笑柄的英文例句



[xiào bǐng]

    to scoff at sb
    a laughing stock

scoff [skɔf; (-) skɔ:f]

    n.嘲笑,嘲弄的话,嘲弄的对象,愚弄,笑柄,食品 v.轻蔑地说,嘲笑,嘲弄,贪吃,狼吞虎嚥

laughing [la:fiŋ; (-) 'læfiŋ]

    adj.带笑的,可笑的 n.笑

stock [stɔk]

    n.树干,库存,股票,股份,託盘,祖先,血统,原料 adj.股票的,普通的,常备的,存货的,繁殖用的 vt.装把手于,进货,备有,放牧 vi.出新芽,採购


他成为镇上的笑柄。He made himself the laughingstock of the town.他的裤子开裂使他成为众人的笑柄。He becomes the laughing stock when his pants split open.他过去是班上的笑柄。He used to be a laughing stock in his class.他们只知道作笑柄。They only know to make laughingstock.他使我成为民众的笑柄,人人都吐唾沫在我的脸上。He hath made me also a byword of the people; and aforetime I was as a tabret.现在他们以我为歌曲,我竟成了他们的笑柄。And now am I their song yea I am their byword.我们成为国际上的笑柄——一个被迫屈服的国家。We're an international laughing-stock a nation brought to its knees.我们将成为别人的笑柄。We will be the laughing stock.笑柄玩笑或嘲弄的对象;抨击的对象An object of jokes or ridicule; a butt.黛比老是迟到,这在她朋友之间成了个老笑柄。The fact that debbie is always late has become a standing joke among her friends.那是一个活笑柄。It's a standing joke.你的伪装是孩子的笑柄…Thy pretense is a child's mockery...让它成为了大众笑柄And turned him into a pop culture punchline.他成为全城的笑柄。He was the scoff of the town.现在却成了别人的笑柄Now you done turn into a joke.


以...为笑柄 made a joke about; make a joke about

成为笑柄 make a foolish figure; make a laughing stock of oneself

是...的笑柄 be the derision of

笑柄 derision

