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在于的英文翻译 在于英文怎幺说 在于的英文例句




    to be in
    to lie in
    to consist in

lie [li:]

    vi.躺,平放,展现,展开,位于 v.说谎,躺 n.谎话,谎言


一种具有非常长且窄的沉水海滨植物,大量存在于北大西洋海岸。Submerged marine plant with very long narrow leaves found in abundance along north atlantic coasts.一种弱酸,已知仅存在于溶液中,二氧化碳与水结合时形成。A weak acid known only in solution; formed when carbon dioxide combines with water.优美的姿态,在于你与知识同行而不是独行。For poise walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.与之相反的问题在于两个弱点。Set against this are two big weaknesses.


举证责任在于控诉的人 affirmani non neganti incumbit probatio

在于 consist in; lain in; lain with; lay with; lie in; lie with; reside in; rest with; subsist in

存在于 am present at; am present in; are present at; are present in; is present at; is present in; was present at; was present in; were present at; were present in

存在于...之中 exist on; present in

实质就在于此 that is the point

差别在于 be differentiated by

根源在于 root in

用意在于 be at

的特点在于 be characterized by

目的在于 aim at; aim to; in order that; in the effect that; to the end that; with a view to; with an eye to; with the view of

问题在于 the case is; the point is; the question is; the question resolves itself

