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在场的英文翻译 在场英文怎幺说 在场的英文例句




    to be present
    to be on the scene

present [prez(ә)nt]

    n.赠品,礼物,现在,瞄準 adj.现在的,出席的,当面的 vt.介绍,引见,给,赠送,上演,提出,呈现 vi.举枪瞄準


他扬言能单独击败在场的任何人,但当杰克走过来时他便缩头了。He said he could beat any man there single-handed but he drew his horns when jack came forward.我不知道她在场。I was unconscious of her presence.有人不在场吗?Is there anyone unaccounted for?这种股票可以在场外交易市场买到。This share is available on the over-the-counter market.


不在场值班 off-site watch-service

不在场管理 absentee management

仅有一方当事人在场的仲裁 ex parte award

仅有一方当事人在场的诉讼 ex parte hearing; ex parte proceeding

只有一方当事人在场所作仲裁裁决 ex parte award

在场 upon on the spot

在场书记员 clerk-at-the-table

在场从犯 accessory during the fact; accessory on the scene

在场看管的警卫室 on-site guard station

在场经营 business presence

在场者除外 present company excepted

在场见证人 eyewitness on the scene

未在场物主 absentee owner

经纪人在场外直接进行的交易 transaction on dealer''s basis

被杀时在场 be in at the finish; be in at the kill

订货人在场的试验 witness test

