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限于的英文翻译 限于英文怎幺说 限于的英文例句




    to be limited to
    to be confined to

limited [limitid]

    adj.有限的,狭窄的,缺乏创见的 n.高级快车


往往,他们的角色仅局限于谘询和监督的範围。Non-executive directors invariably restrict themselves to purely advisory and supervisory roles.尾索限于尾部的脊索,有尾索动物的特徵A notochord limited to the caudal region characteristic of the urochordates.限于篇幅,我不能在此论及所有的规则。I don't have room to touch on all the rules here.这类用途仅限于精密加工,如製造微电子电路等方面。Its use is only for precise work as in making microelectronic circuits.


仅限于这一特殊场合 pro haec vice

只局限于 restrict herself to; restrict himself to; restrict myself to; restrict ourselves to; restrict themselves to; restrict yourself to

只限于 be restricted to; condfine himself to; confine herself to; confine myself to; confine themselfues to; confine yourself to; sonfine ourselues to

只限于咱俩之间 between ourselves; between you and me

只限于进口 imports

局限于 restricted to

美国联邦储备银行在公开市场限于买卖短期库券的政策 bills-only policy

限于 confined; were peculiar to

限于...範围内 confine

限于吃水船 vessel constrained by her draught

限于水上的条款 water borne clause

限于水上範围 waterborne only WBO)

限于银行的信用 confined banker''s credit

