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嫌疑犯的英文翻译 嫌疑犯英文怎幺说 嫌疑犯的英文例句




    a suspect

suspect [sʌspekt]

    n.嫌疑犯 adj.令人怀疑的,不可信的,可疑的 v.怀疑,猜想,对...有所觉察


这个嫌疑犯是可以起诉的;可以控告的过错。The suspect was chargeable; an indictable offense.警方审问嫌疑犯时提出了一连串的问题The police keep up a running fire of question during their interrogation of the suspect警方审问嫌疑犯时提出了一连串的问题。The police kept up a running fire of questions during their interrogation of the suspect.所有的嫌疑犯都已遭员警全数围捕。There's been a police roundup of all the suspects.他们把嫌疑犯关在巡逻车内They secured the suspect in the squad car.嫌疑犯正在纽约州新新监狱Suspect did a stint in sing sing.一队武装员警向嫌疑犯的住址行进。A posse of armed policemen made their way to the suspect's address.这个嫌疑犯受到了保护性拘留。The suspect is held in protective custody.这些是抢银行嫌疑犯的个人详细资料。These are the personal details of a man the police suspect of robbing a bank.真的有嫌疑犯了?Is there really a suspect?


兇杀嫌疑犯 murder suspect

反革命嫌疑犯 counterrevolutionary suspect

嫌疑犯家属 family of the suspect

嫌疑犯照片 mug; mugshot

抢劫嫌疑犯 robbery suspect

政治嫌疑犯罪 political suspicion

杀人嫌疑犯 suspected manslayer; suspected murderer

盗窃嫌疑犯 larceny suspect; suspected thief

谋杀嫌疑犯 culprit of murder; murder suspect

