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[zài zhèér]


here [hiә(r)]

    adv.在这里,此时,这时,[宗]在尘世间 n.这里


我能在这儿坐预定吗?Can I make reservations here?我确实反对您在这儿浪费我们宝贵时间。I really do object to your wasting our precious tine here.我是不是该说你不在这儿?她低声问道,一边用手盖住送话口。"Shall I say you're not here?" She whispered holding her hand over the mouthpiece.我想你呆在这儿,我去弄一个简单的炒蛋I want you to stay. I make a mean scrambled egg.我有一个义大利妻子,两个出生在米兰的女儿,妮珂和索非娅,他们都在这儿的家里。I have an italian wife and two milanese daughters nicole and sofia.they are at home here.我这山谷跟你有什幺相干,你为什幺留在这儿不走呢?What is my valley to you that you shouldst tarry in it?一块蓝色饰板表明,卡纳莱托曾一度在这儿住过。A blue plaque announces the one-time presence of canaletto.唷,我在这儿,老兄Yo l'm in here dude.在这儿,nascar是一种非常盛大的房车比赛That's a type of saloon car racing that is very very big in this part of the world.在这儿,他们给你裤子缀一个扣子也得要钱。They wouldn't sew a button on your pants here without charging for it.在这儿钉两只钉子。Drive in two nails here.在这儿可不常见,先生。Sk: not around here sir.在这儿应该是如鱼得水吧Happy as hogs in a waller down there probabiy.主动积极并以此为傲;在这儿需要很大勇气。Proudly aggressively; this would be a gutsy place to do it.你愿意在明天中午的时候,跟妈妈和我一块站在这儿吗?Thou stand here with mother and me to-morrow noontide?

