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在南方的英文翻译 在南方英文怎幺说 在南方的英文例句



[zài nánfāng]

    southernly;south;down south;southerly

southernly [sʌðәnli]

    adj.& adv.= southerly

south [sauθ]

    n.南部,南 adj.南的,南方的 adv.在南方,向南方

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地


那位候选人在南方出人意料地大为得手。The candidate made surprising inroads in the south.农业区大部分集中在南方。The farming area is centered largely in the south.她的哥哥,他是1928年被三k党杀害的,当时我们住在南方。"Her brother.he was murdered by the ku-klux-klan back in1928 when we lived in the south."在南方,正义是没有种族偏见的That in the south justice is and will be colorblind.播种期献祭和某一颗显眼的星星在南方或北方出现联繫在一起。The seed-time sacrifice was linked up with the southing or northing of some prominent star.稻米主要产在南方。Rice grows mainly in the south.跑在最后面的那些印第安人的背影,现在已经在南方共和河岸边消失了。The last sioux were disappearing in the south along the banks of republican river.在南方,德国人佔领了塞瓦斯托波尔。In the south the germans captured sevastopol.在南方,儘管克里到此时为止还安全无恙,芒斯特的大部分土地却已被赐封掉了。In the south most of munster had been granted away though kerry was as yet untouched.

