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在里面的英文翻译 在里面英文怎幺说 在里面的英文例句



[zài lǐmiàn]

    on the inside;inside

inside [in'said]

    n.里面,内部,内脏,内情 adj.内部的,秘密的,于室内工作的 adv.在里面 prep.在...之内


他吹了一口在里面的食物。He got a whiffet of the food inside.他们发现有一个精神感应的蠕虫依附着生命维持系统在里面。They discover that they have a telepathic worm connected to a life support system.他用浆糊把那些图片贴在里面。He pasted the pictures in.我知道你在里面,雷克斯。I know you're in there rex.先把一个罐里的乳酪化掉,然后再把麵包片浸在里面。哇,听着口水都要流出来了。Nancy: you melt cheese in a pot and then dunk small pieces of bread in the cheese.学生证,以及信用卡都在里面。Driver's license student id and credit cards were all inside.宇宙航行员将在里面生活和做研究工作。Astronauts will live and do research work in it.在里面的是尿道,是排尿的通道Inside is the urethra for urination.这家旅馆仅向住在里面的旅客供膳。This hotel serves meals to residents only.住在里面的人跑了出来,身上都还穿着睡衣。And the people who stayed in it ran out in their nightclothes.


关在里面 kept in; shur in

在里面 be inside; on the inside

在里面等待 wait in

锁在里面 lock in

