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在建的英文翻译 在建英文怎幺说 在建的英文例句



[zài jiàn]

    under construction

under [ʌndә(r)]

    prep.在...之下,在...之内,在...领导下,低于,假借 adv.在下

construction [kәn'strʌkʃ(ә)n]



我们现在建造时代广场…We're doing times square at one stage...我们要在建设有中国特色的社会主义道路上继续前进。We shall push ahead along the road to chinese-style socialism.我们旨在建立一种新的社会秩序。We aim to build a new social order.一个水池正在建造中。A pond is under construction.一个新钢厂正在建立之中。A new steel works is being built.一艘战舰正在建造中。A warship was under construction.一座大型轧钢厂正在建设中。A heavy steel rolling mill is being built.


关在建筑物内 lock in

各节梯级都固定在建筑物上的梯子 individual-rung ladder

在建工程 construction in progress; work in progress; building under construction

在建工程估价 valution of work in process

在建工程合同 contract for construction in process

在建工程审计 audit of construction in process

在建改良工程 improvement in process

在建改进工程 improvements in progress

在建筑中 under construction; underconstruction

在建设中 under construtction

在建造中 on the stocks

在改良工程,在建改进工程 improvements in progress

在程工作,在建工程 job in process

应收在建工程帐款 accounts receivable from progress building

期末在建工程 project under construction at the end of the period

清理在建专案 checking up on the projects under construction; monitor the projects under construction; examining projects under construction

自营固定资产在建工程 work-in-progress on own-account construction of fixed assets

船等在建造中 on the stocks

运输设施在建筑物一旁 transportation facilities on one side of building

银行在建工程 bank buildings and others under construction

