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取笑的英文翻译 取笑英文怎幺说 取笑的英文例句




    to tease
    to make fun of

tease [ti:z]

    n.揶揄,戏弄,逗惹 vt.取笑,逗恼,奚落,欺负,嘲弄,取笑,强求,梳理

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

fun [fʌn],玩笑,嬉笑,有趣的人或事物 vi.开玩笑 adj.供娱乐用的


“亲爱的,你今天喜欢谁呀?”他取笑道。Who do you like today honey?'he Said teasingly.对,假装生病是孩子们想翘课时常用的藉口。我记得我是因为有的同学老是取笑我,所以我不想上学。Of course that counts! Actually I think every kid has used that trick to play hooky at least once.那个法国人,那个“小气鬼”,跟取笑他的人们对抗了。Skeezicks the frenchman had turned upon the jokers.男孩喜欢竞争做群体领袖,在课堂上玩耍以博取笑声。Boys like to vie to become pack leader and play for laughs in class.你们真有意思,因为我有点矮胖就取笑我,是吗?You guys are so funny making fun of me cos I'm a little pudgy right?你知道那就是那幺多人取笑你的原因,对吗?You know that's why you get so much shit right?帕格一时不知所措,而后意识到这种叫人吃不消的取笑是存心表示亲热。Nonplussed for a moment pug realized that the heavy pleasantry was intended as a kindness.他的朋友在以他的女友取笑他。His friends were needling him about his girlfriend.他们取笑他肚子大。They kidded him about his paunch.他们取笑我在攀岩活动中的那可怜劲儿。They laughed at my punyefforts at rock-climbing.他说了些俏皮话来取笑我不会烹调。He made some wisecrack about my lack of culinary ability.她总是以取笑他人为乐。She is always enjoying a rib on someone else.学生们取笑他,因为他是个普通老百姓。The students made fun of him because he was a townie.


取笑 jest at; joke about; made fun of; make fun of; make jokes about; play a joke on; poke fun at; take the mickey out of; take the piss out of

