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闲聊的英文翻译 闲聊英文怎幺说 闲聊的英文例句




    to chat
    idle gossip

chat [tʃæt]

    v.聊天 n.聊天

idle [aid(ә)l]

    adj.空闲的,懒惰的,停顿的,无用的,无价值的 vi.不做事,游手好闲,(机器)空转,虚度,闲散,不作事,游手好闲,浪费 vt.虚度,使空闲,使空转

gossip [gɔsip]



给我闭嘴!不准闲聊!Shut the hell up! No chitchat!哈乐德紧张地闲聊着…Harold nervously made small talk.卡苏朋先生似乎根本不知道世上有浅薄的闲聊。Mr casaubon seemed even unconscious that trivialities existed.马丁越来越对她们不停的闲聊感到厌烦。Martin was growing tired of their ceaseless chatter.闲聊闲散或傻乎乎地谈话;闲谈To talk idly or foolishly; gossip.伊莉莎白没有时间与别的少女们闲聊。Elizabeth have no time for small chat with other dame.以后我们还有充足的时间闲聊Plenty of time for chitchat later.她憎恨闲聊阶层的势利。She hates the snobbery of the chattering classes.闲聊毫无意义地闲聊或瞎扯;唠叨或胡言乱语To talk or chatter idly or meaninglessly; babble or prate.闲聊或无意义的瞎扯;喋喋不休Idle or meaningless chatter; babble.因此在某些社交场合很流行“闲聊”;Thus there is a widespread practice of making "small talk" in certain social situations.


不停地闲聊 chat away; chatter on

在...时闲聊 chatter over

用与人闲聊来获得对方的好感 chat up

闲聊 fan the breeze; fanned the breeze; gossip about; gossip of; made conversation; make conversation; shoot bull; shoot the breeze; shoot the bull; shot bull; shot the breeze; shot the bull

