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在乎的英文翻译 在乎英文怎幺说 在乎的英文例句



[zài hū]

    determined by
    to care about
    to mind

determined [di'tә:mind]


care [keә(r)]

    n.注意,照料,烦恼,忧虑,由...转交 vi.关心,顾虑,照顾,喜爱 vt.在意

about [ә'baut]



我不在乎!把他交出去!Amy sumner: I don't care! Get him out!我不在乎如果它是星际旅行公约I don't care if it's a star trek convention!我不在乎犹他的钱I don't care about the money in utah!我并不在乎上中班,反正我喜欢熬夜。I don't mind the swing shift. I'm a night person anyway.我对钱财可不在乎。I care nothing for wealth.我可不在乎他们想什幺。I couldn't give a tinker's damn about what they think.我在乎的不是目的地,而是沿途的风景。What I care about is not the termini but the sencns along the road.我真的那幺在乎与别人近身作战之类的Do l really care about standing toe to toe and all that stuff...我知道你还是在乎蒂洛尔和阿达玛的I know you still care about tyrol and adama.因为我不在乎耳鸣,好吗?Cause I don't care about tinnitus okay?这里只有我在乎规则吗?Am I the only one who cares about the rules? Mark it zero!


一点也不在乎 not care a damn

不在乎 be careless about; be careless of; go past caring; take things light

对...假装不在乎 put a bold face on

对...毫不在乎 not care give a fig for; not give a hoot about

对...装作满不在乎 put a brave face on

已对...不在乎 be beyond caring; be past caring

毫不在乎 do not care a dime; not care a cent; not care a hang about; not care a rap; not care a rush

毫不在乎地 without compunction

满不在乎 snap their finger; snapped her finger

