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在后的英文翻译 在后英文怎幺说 在后的英文例句



[zài hòu]


behind [bi'haind]

    adv.在后地 prep.在...之后


在合同正文中未提及的部分可以作为合同的附件附加在后面。What is left unmentioned in contract may be added there as an appendix.在后面的胸椎骨上有很多钙化的损害There are multiple calcified lesions on the posterior thoracic vertebrae.在后裙板旁边的打孔线处撕开装饰膜。Break open the decorative film at the perforated lines close to the rear apron.在后头骨下面以水平线分别细分。Subdivide with a horizontal parting below the occipital.住院的aj在后街最后的巡迴中彻底地崩溃了。Resident bad boy aj mclean had a very public breakdown at the end of the last backstreet tour.


出现在后的货币增长额 lagged money growth

前腿举起坐在后腿上 sit up

在后 en arriere

在后头签名 undersign

在后期 latterly

在后的申请 later application; subsequent application

在后部 in the rearward

把...抛在后面 cast behind

拖在后面 hang behind

更正在后 correction to follow CTF)

潜在后果 latent consequences

用绳索系在后面 tie back

留在后面 hung behind

竞争中把...远远抛在后面 outdistance

紧紧地跟在后面 tag behind; tagged after; tagged along; tagged behind

紧跟在后 tag on to

落在后面 fall drop; fallen astern; fallen drop; fell astern; fell drop

落在后面的人 cow''s tail

走在后头 bring up the rear; brought up the rear; close up the rear

