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在附近的英文翻译 在附近英文怎幺说 在附近的英文例句



[zài fùjìn]


nearby [niәbai]

    adj.附近的,邻近的 adv.在附近


它就在附近某处。It's around here somewhere.我常在附近的三明治店里买个三明治,或吃些饼乾,喝杯咖啡。I often get a sandwich in a nearby sandwich shop or I just have some biscuits and a cup of coffee.我们在附近定了餐位We have dinner reservations nearby我们这时正好在附近。We happened tobe in the neighbourhood.我已经在附近工作了。I've got business nearby.伊朗中西南部一城市;古代波斯波利斯城的遗址就在附近。A city in central southwestern iran; ruins of ancient persepolis are nearby.在附近奔跑??你的伴侣是一个非常狂野的人。Running about-your partner is a wild type person.这样的轶事要不了多久就会在附近地区秘密传开。It doesn't take long for such stories to be whispered about this neighbourhood.侦察员在附近随机徘徊And that scout wanders around randomly.只要甘油炸药专家在工作,我决不在附近逗留。I won't stay around while the powder monkey is working.州警察局派了一些便衣员警在附近一带进行监视。Some plain clothes men were staked out by the state police in the neighbourhood.朱蒂•安德森打电话说在附近看到小偷I'm good.judy anderson called said she saw a prowler in the neighborhood.


在附近 at hand; in the vicinity

在附近徘徊 stick around

就在附近 am close at hand; are close at hand; is close at hand; was close at hand; were close at hand

