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相投的英文翻译 相投英文怎幺说 相投的英文例句




    agreeing with one another

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

another [ә'nʌðә(r)]

    adj.另外的,又一,不同的 prep.另一个,另一个人,同类的东西

congenial [kәn'dʒi:niәl]



他是一个和我意气相投的人。I found in him a congenial temper.我第一次看到他的作品时就认定他与我志趣相投。When I saw his work for the first time I recognized a kindred spirit.我发现他是一个和我性情相投的人。I found in him a kindred spirit.我觉得我们有些志趣相投L feel that we have a kind of kindred spirit.我想我见到了一个志趣相投的人I think I see a kindred spirit in there.近来皮特和萨拉志趣十分相投,几乎在每件事情上都达成了一致。Peter and sabah have really been on the same wavelength lately--they agree about almost everything.刘敏说,和性情相投的人在一起,你会自然而然的忘记很多烦恼。Liu min says that being with a soul mate one will naturally forget all the worries.刘先生的女儿说。如果她找不到一个和她性情相投的人,她决不结婚。Mr.liu's daughter claims that she wouldn't marry anyone until she runs into a soul mate of hers.他和我性情相投。He is my soul mate.瓦尔特是她性情相投的人。Walther was her soul mate.相互吸引或意气相投;融洽关係。Mutual attraction or sympathy; rapport.一个从趣味不相投的位置逃走的人。Someone who flees from an uncongenial situation.意气不相投的室友们经常争吵。The uncongenial roommates were always fighting.


志趣不相投的伙伴 bad company

志趣相投的人 good skate

志趣相投的伙伴 good company

电子照相投影影印机 electrophotographic projector printer

相投 hit it off; hit it together; hit it with

相投相处得好 hit it together off

竞相投标,竞相出价 bid against each other

