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取决于的英文翻译 取决于英文怎幺说 取决于的英文例句




    rest with;lie on;rest;be dependent up on;be dependent on;depend on;depend upon;turn...on

rest [rest]

    n.休息,静止,支持物,台,架,[音]休止符,其余,其他 vi.休息,睡眠,静止,依靠,搁在,保持(状态),取决于 vt.使休息,使静止,睡眠,依靠,搁在

lie [li:]

    vi.躺,平放,展现,展开,位于 v.说谎,躺 n.谎话,谎言

dependent [di'pend(ә)nt]


up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的


我们所需的支出取决于我们的国民收入。Our desired expenditures depend on our national income.线粒体中草醯乙酸水準又取决于氧化还原状态。The oxaloacetate level in the mitochondria is determined by the redox state.新的型号的成功将取决于它在最能达到预期效果的时候被推出。The success of the new model will depend on it being introduced at the right psychological moment.政策的创立取决于既得利益集团。Vested interest groups are responsible for the creation of policy.自然地,这些概率将取决于在测量瞬间的量子态。Naturally these probabilities will depend on the quantum state at the instant of the measurement.最高储存高度取决于最低为70kpa的气压。Altitude maximum for storage corresponds to a pressure minimum of70kpa.


不取决于 independently of

使取决于 condition on

取决于 according as; accordingly as; be conditional on; be dependent on; be dependent up on; be dictated to by; be governed by; depend on; depend up; depend upon; dependent upon; die away; die down; govern by

取决于未来事件的请求权 contingent claim

