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取回的英文翻译 取回英文怎幺说 取回的英文例句




    to retrieve

retrieve [ri'tri:v]

    v.重新得到 n.找回


只要有可能,我们对争议总是採取回避态度。We will always fudge issues while we can.昨天他从机厂取回了试压泵。Yesterday he took back from machine shop.从这样的海底深渊中取回结核可不是容易的事情。Retrieving the nodules from these great depths is no easy task.你用完了我的割草机没有?我想要取回来刈我自己的草坪。Have you done with my lawn mower yet? I'd like to have it back to mow my own lawn.七、他人行使取回权、解除权或抵销权事件之处理。7.dealing In cases where others exercise rights of retrieval rescission or set-off;然后我将取回归巢装置吗?Shall I retrieve the homing device then?抒情诗从全球资讯网取回:Lyrics retrieved from the world wide web:为取回它,我愿付出一切... Something I would do anything to regain.星期六北达科他州试图取回雪天使(参与者的)最高记录。North dakota attempted to take back the snow angel record saturday.要是你赢了,就取回我的东西If you win take back what is mine.


一般取回权 general recall right

代偿取回权 right of recall by subrogation

出卖人取回权 seller''s right of recall

取回 drawing out; gotten back; recapture

取回权 recall right

取回被扣押财物 replevy

取回销售收入 recouping sales income

商品取回信贷 call credit

特别取回权 special recall right

索取代理费,索取回扣,索取佣金 charge a commission rate

