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相继的英文翻译 相继英文怎幺说 相继的英文例句




    in succession
    following closely

succession [sәk'seʃ(ә)n]

    n.连续,继承,继任,演替,[农业] 轮栽,连续性

following [fɔlәuwiŋ]

    n.下列各项,部下,党羽 adj.下列的,其次的 prep.在...之后

closely [klәuzli]



其后,伯利克里的姐妹和最小的嫡子也相继去世了。Then the sister of pericles died and then his last legitimate son.调节通过和谐的旋律或合弦的相继进行的方式从一个基调或音调过到另一基调或音调To pass from one key or tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression.狭义相对论和量子力学是相继出现的两个主要理论。Special relativity and quantum mechanics were two major theories that appeared subsequently.应相继对闭阀两端施加试验压力。The test pressure shall be applied successively to both sides of the closed valve.转调通过和谐的旋律或和絃的相继进行的方式从一个基调或音调转调到另一基调或音调A passing from one key or tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression.自此,皇室与上流社会的新娘子相继效仿。From now on the bride of the imperial house and upper-class society imitates one after another.


反相继电器 antiphase relay negative phase relay negative relay phase-rotation relay

开相继电器 open-phase relay

断相继电器 openphase relay

欠压反相继电器 under-voltage reverse phase relay

欠压开相继电器 under-voltage open phase relay

相继 one after another

相继地 one after another; one after the other

相继平滑值 consecutive mean; overlapoing mean; running mean

相继死去 die off

相继溢出法 consecutive spill method

相继电器 phase relay

相继而亡 died off

相继运送人 on-carrier

网路定相继电器 network phasing relay

逆相继电器 reverse-phase relay

选相继电器 phaseselector relay

