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    go round

round [raund]



阻抗将会按照匝比的平方反射回来。Impedance will reflect back as the square of the turns ratio.降压变压器的匝数比小于1。A step-down transformer has a turns ratio less than1.经上睑皮肤切口,剪开眼轮匝肌暴露睑板。Method: via the incision on the upper eyelid skin orbicular muscle was cut to show the tarsi.拖到绘图页上。右击可成为成比例的或显示两匝。Drag onto the page.right-click to make proportional or show two windings.足够让我在马匝特兰打发剩下的日子That should be enough for me to spend my waning years in mazatlan.


入口匝道控制 entrance ramp control

出口匝道控制 exit ramp control

动作安匝 operating ampereturns

匝 coil

匝数比 turn ratio

匝数补偿 turn compensation

匝比 turn ratio

匝道 ramp

匝道交通调节 ramp metering

匝道标线 ramp marking

匝道桥 ramp bridge又称"坡道桥"。

匝道连接处 ramp junction

匝道通行能力 ramp capacity

匝道集成系统控制 ramp integrated system control

匝间绝缘 interturn insulation

匝间试验 interturn test, turntoturn test

半匝 half turn

单匝感应器 loop inductor

单匝感应线圈 single-turn induction coil

单向匝道 one-way ramp

双向匝道 two-way ramp

口轮匝肌 orbicularis oris

右转弯匝道 right turn ramp

安匝 ampereturn

安匝误差 adjusting error o ampere turns

安匝调整 ampere turns adjustment

安培匝数 ampereturn

左转弯匝道 left turn ramp

环形匝道 loop ramp

电缆扎匝 cable tie

